These tips apply to most of Indonesian pop songs, because most of Indonesian pop song has a progression on diatonic scales are easy to predict where it will move chord.
Terms beginning to be able to do these tips is the guitarist must understand the concept of diatonic scales major and minor. To understand the steps diatonic click here for more details.
Okay,. . after understanding what it is diatonic, follow these steps:
Find out basic tone
The basic tone of a song can be found by looking at the first chord in the song. While this ga 'can be applied to all the songs.
Arrange a scale from the basic tone tsb.
After knowing tone Basically, we arrange the scale or sequence of tones from the tone of the base. If the first chord is major, then the craft mayornya diatonic scale. For example, there are songs with chord early C. So according to the first way, the tone is essentially a C, in this case C major. We collated diatonisnya scale. Scalenya mean is: C D E F G A B If the first tone is a minor, the diatonic scale craft with minor chords as the tone to 6 on the major scale. Example: In the song, the first chord A minor. So its structure is. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C D E F G A B
Determining the major changes in their minor.
Define major with a minor following pattern: Major minor minor Major Major minor diminished
If the example above is applied, with the basic tone C, the progression is:
C Dm Em F G Am Bm7-5
or so it is with a minor.
These tips can not apply on all tracks. But because most of Indonesian pop songs progressinya the diatonic natural and there is only one progression in dalammya. So if we find a song with chords initial C, then the most likely chord-chord in the song they will be is one of the above arrangement. So almost rare to find chord Dmayor on track with the basic tone of the song Cmayor.Kecuali implement substitution, parallel minor / major, and diatonic are not natural.
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